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Fireball - Wallpaper No. 64

Blessed 2023, folks.

A new year signifies a fresh start for most. So does a new day, the subject of this installment's wallpaper.

I made this image while perched on a rooftop in Upperhill, just before some thick clouds rolled in.

My main focus was on the opposite side of this view. I just happened to have finished up on those shots so when I turned around to see what the rest of the views had to offer, this perfect alignment punched me in the face. I made a series of images as the sun rose so this is what I've deemed worthy of sharing as wallpapers.

I know the freebies are fewer nowadays, but whenever I find one that's worthy of sharing, I'll be sure to bless your screens.

To download, click on the link below and the image will open in a new tab where you can long press/right-click and save the image to your device.

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