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Views from the KICC Rooftop - 2022 Edition


I'm ashamed to say that I've never been to the KICC Rooftop, to shoot at least, probably because of the Ksh. 7,500/= they imposed on anyone who wants to access the spot with any sort of photography gear on them. But, a few months ago, I got to tick that rooftop off my list together with some of the guys from a photographers' group that I'm part of and I'm happy to share more of the images I made, in addition to what I'd shared earlier on my instagram.

After momentarily taking in the views, I immediately set off on my primary target - a pre-meditated trio of images for a personal project I am currently working on in collaboration with the guys at Camerapix [more on that in a later post, sometime in 2023].

We were a little late in getting up to the rooftop and setting up and so everything felt rushed in a sense, at least for me, considering my slow-ish style of shooting. But, what's life without a little bit of pressure, yes? So, from the fast-fading light, to the numerous compositions to consider, a twilight-into-night set-up to do, lets just say that I didn't capture all the images I had envisioned so I should be back up there very soon.

Looking forward to that.

Anyway, back to the images.

After wrapping up on the priority shots featuring the CBD, I turned my attention to the other side of things.

Like these snippets of the recognizable landmarks in CBD and Upperhill ...

... followed by views towards Westlands business district ...

... and after the light had faded, we tried out some abstract shots and light painting.


Finally, would it be a rooftop shoot without a halflife composite? No way!

So let's close this out with some day-to-night composites showing City Hall Way in the foreground and Westlands in the distance.

And, there you have it. I look forward to the next trip up there. Remember to SUBSCRIBE to the blog so you never miss a post.



Alarne Mbugua
Alarne Mbugua
Nov 30, 2022

Great photos and the narration is on point.

Mutahi Chiira
Mutahi Chiira
Nov 30, 2022
Replying to

Thanks you sir. Good to hear that, and yes, I'll keep at it.

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